Budotherapy is a body (psycho) therapeutic approach based on traditional Far Eastern martial arts, movement and healing arts (Japanese: Budo) for healing, alleviating or preventing physical, psychosomatic and psychological crises, disorders, diseases, disabilities and suffering .

Budo therapy uses the theories and practises of the specifying essential elements of Budo (Bu – struggle, do – way, dojo – place, Reigi – ritual, Shitei relationship, and Zen – meditation) as well as the principles of Budo (isho – holism, onmyodo / yin-yang – duality – Harmony, Mitsutomoe – tripartite structure, Shidai – 4 elements (fire, earth, water, air), Gokyo – 5 change phases (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and Tokushoku – essentials) with the aspect of ‘movement, encounter and reflection’ for a disorder-specific treatment.
Exercises for psychophysical and psychoemotional activation, strengthening and stabilization in internalizing personality or behavioral disorders, and loosening, relaxation and calming in externalizing disorders are well chosen into an induvidual treatment program. The excersises are based on traditional Chinese medicine and health science (TCM with a view to meridians, “energy management”, Nutrition and Taoist healing gymnastics), taken from the repertoire of classic Budo systems such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kung Fu, Aikido, Karatedo, Shoto Kempo, Kyusho-jutsu, or are extended to work with a sword (Iaido) or a stick (Kobudo, Escrima).

In addition to special martial arts exercises (100 basic and other style-typical) , with partners, Japanese “Buddha-archery” shooting and experiential Budo, combat, movement and cooperation games, also Far Eastern breathing exercises, body awareness exercises, concentration and mindfulness exercises, meditation (Zazen, Kinhin) and body dynamic relaxation procedures are utilised as well as gentle touches (Reiki).
In the field of BUdo therapy, the IfBP offers two qualifications:
a) The qualifying program to become a clinical Budo pedagogue is adressed to psycho or body-psycho therapists, physio therapists, sports and movement therapists or specialists in medical (psychosomatic) contexts, who have an advanced graduation in martial arts (Budo), teaching or long-lasting practise, and to certified Budo pedagogues, who want to deepen their knowledge in therapeutic fields.
The qualification certifies to contribute to the treatment of mentally sick people in the run-up to highly professional budotherapy with well-founded, specialized outpatient offers and interventions in partially or fully inpatient therapy.
b) The qualifying training program to become a Budo therapist is adressed to already qualified clinical Budo therapists and to Budo pedagogy instructors with a cooperation contract. The degree holders are certified to offer highly professional Budo therapy and are represented by the International Association of Budopedagogues and Therapists, BvBP.